
The rune of movement and growth, it’s main meaning is “the path.” It serves those who are traveling, as well as those who are on a journey of self-realization for body and soul. This amulet helps in business, with legal affairs, and removes unnecessary fights and arguments. It assists you in finding the right solution, and moves you forward in even the most difficult of situations. It is here to protect you in your everyday life.

A symbol of the divine feminine, a woman’s life giving abilities, and Mother Nature. It represents birch trees, growth, renewal and regeneration.

The symbol of joy, well-being, prosperity, beauty and luck. It represents gains, joy, wins, rescue, the sun, and a sail. A powerful rune, its strength is channeled to realize your core soul desires and material needs. It’s your best assistant in physical and spiritual healing. It is used to counter any despair and grief that dims your spirits.

The rune of the sun, strength and victory. It channels the energy of the sun to those who wear it. It gives life energy, health, self-confidence, youthfulness, and aids in your cell’s regeneration. Shining it’s sunny light and helping you see things clearly from different angles, it shows you the best path for a given situation. With this wisdom the impossible can become possible.

The rune of fertility, abundance, virility, movement, reaching a new level, enlightenment and awakening. It gives its wearer a surge of vital energy and increases sex drive. It provides energy to move things forward, and helps you complete things. It’s one of the most positive and strong runes for your personal destiny. It helps when you feel depressed, removes tension, and restores your physical and psychological balance.

A powerful protector, this rune supports our connection to the Divine. It represents a bridge between people and Spirit, and serves to connect us to God and the higher realms. Its shape reminds us of a person who is calling in and receiving energy from Source. For those we wear it, this rune increases their intuitive skills, survival instincts, and insights into the future. With its help you can trust in your divine guidance.

The rune of abundance and wealth. It symbolizes favorable outcomes and success in new beginnings. Its meaning: a year, the completion of a cycle, and a harvest. Its strength is in supporting a successful outcome in areas where you’ve invested a lot of work. It does not force change, but helps to implement it gradually. It nourishes the seeds of possibility that lay within, and helps them manifest at the right moment for the best use of our material investments, time and efforts.

Rune of the hyper-consciousness. The process of concept becoming realized. Transformation of one thing into its opposite Integration of female and male into complete being.

Mystical union and ‘Sacred Marriage’ between partners. Understanding of the true meaning of gifting and binding. Giving of oneself from within Harmony between brothers and sisters and lovers.

Mastery of emotion in order to shape wyrd Guidance through difficult initiatory tests. Initiation into life Increase in vitality and life force.

Rune of the balance and justice ruled from a higher rationality. The rune of sacrifice of the individual (self) for well-being of the whole (society).

A torch illuminating the way, it represents enlightenment and awakening. Kenaz is necessary for everyone, as its power protects creativity, unlocks a person's potential, attracts luck, and supports people to become the creator of their own happiness! It's the rune of painters and artists, craftsman and masters. Kenaz is a force that ignites enthusiasm and illuminates the path, a source of power that gives clarity of thought, analytical abilities, and is the rune of manifestation.

The rune radiates energy that helps to deal with unnecessary doubt and insecurity, and to free oneself of vanity and ambition. It allows one to connect with people with ease, and therefore is a favorite for taking to meetings and negotiations in order to reach one's goals. It helps to advance one's career growth, to become the soul of the company, and easily attract others.

If something in your life feels stagnant - like an important matter that’s not moving forward, an unpleasant situation that feels stuck, or something has dragged on to the point of becoming a chronic illness - then Evaz is your loyal friend. It will help you to develop a new approach to life, work, and people. It will ensure gradual change for the better, healthy recover, and a general improvement in any situation, like the development of an idea or resolution of an issue.

Symbolizes our roots: ancestry, family, home, possessions, property and traditions. In other words, it’s boundaries, safety, a stable roof over your head, and security. It’s the use of one’s ancestral and familial experience, and that of their achievements. For the sake of our descendant’s futures, and in the light of our obligations to our ancestors, a person should take the decision about their life partner seriously. Odal will help you with that.

The first letter in the alphabet of runes, it symbolizes the transition to a new level, and the start of new deals. Fehu creates the space for fresh, unexpected ideas. It expands our own inner energy and increases our chances of positive resolution to our worldly issues. Fehu will direct a flow of financial abundance to its owner. It will gift you prosperity.

Perth is a rune of initiation, providing the energy of Pluto and Mars. It represents mystery that one day will be revealed; magical, extrasensory capacity and deep intuition a person is endowed with. Perth is not a gentle or passive rune, despite it has a feminine polarity. Perth is the implacable power of water, its keyword is a search. The rune of unknowable guides your way to mindfulness and awareness.

Uruz is a rune of energy and power, one of the most powerful runes. It is the element of Earth, its color is green. Ancient civilizations treated this rune respectfully. Uruz represents Yin and Yang, feminine and masculine. It endows men with masculinity and women with femininity. Uruz symbolises wholeness and harmony, while fostering health. The power of Uruz heals through transformation and restores health through a deep human transmutation.
Bind Runes

5 pointed star
Pentagram - A symbol of the sun, eternity, protection, high ideals and intentions. We use this amulet to understand our mission and reach our goals.

6-pointed star
Hexagram, the star of Shiva in Hinduism, the star of David in Judaism. It consists of two interrelated triangles and symbolizes harmony of feminine and masculine, and of the divine and material. Strong protective and transformational amulet.

8-pointed star
The star of Venus, beauty and luxury, patronizes the world of fashion, art, and helps to attract prosperity.

Symbolizes abundance, fertility, beauty, motherhood, Devine femininity, principle of eternal life, immortality, intuition and clairvoyance. The moon not only control the tides, cyclic rhythms of nature and menstruations of women but conducts people’s destinies.
Our moon amulets are all about femininity. They will make deepest qualities of your woman’s nature shine, will help to discover your natural beauty, intuition and charm, allowing you to manifest the power of divine feminine nature.

In most of the cultures Sun symbolizes creative force, masculinity, fatherhood, emperor’s power, supreme deity and its all-pervasive power, symbolical center of Cosmos. Sun represents vital force, passion, eternal youth, spirit, knowledge, it’s a Great door of the world, enter for the immortality and knowledge. Tree with twelve suns symbolizes astrology signs and months of the year.

Moon and star together
Equilibrium of feminine and masculine, finding of your real self, the golden center.

Is a Sanskrit word meaning both thunderbolt and diamond. It is used symbolically by the dharma traditions of Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism, to represent firmness of spirit, spiritual power, indestructibility and irresistible force.
Additionally, it is a weapon won in battle which is used as a ritual object to symbolize both the properties of a diamond.

Asymbol of ancient Egypt that grants immortality and personifies our vitality and sacred sexuality. Its wearer connects with their true essence, realizes their deepest nature and discovers their strength, becoming capable of steering it. It was used in the cults of ancient Egypt in the great transitions to go beyond the boundaries of manifested reality.

Celtic cross
An ancient cross, appearing in the Celtic culture even before Christianity. It represents the eternal union of the great Mother and Father, who created our world and each person with their unique talents and commitments, as well as our awareness of and acceptance of our path, including taking responsibility for and pledging to realize the full potential of everything that lies within us.
The central star represents our spiritual heart, divine nature, and connection to the absolute. The stars remind us that all the people around us have the same divine nature and that each of us has our own important mission. The circle with openings personifies the perfection of the world, where material forms - beautiful ornaments that they are - transmit the light of the creator to the level they are able to become conscious of it.

The Star of Holy Mother Lada
Is a universal amulet designed for women that deeply embody the feminine and who want to live a long and happy life. It offers protection from the bad intentions of ill-wishers, and is able to give a happy childhood to a little girl as well as a dignified and rich old age to an elderly woman - providing real comfort and stability throughout the journey of life. An amulet intended exclusively for women, it will help to maintain calm on the love front, as well as ensure peace is preserved in the family and at home, even in the case of serious problems arising in those areas of life.

A symbol of clarity, purity, immaculateness, perfection. The lotus flower - a symbol of the Great Mother's bosom.

The shell of Daitreya
Emits the original sound of AUM, from which the whole universe is born. The three letters of the sacred sound correspond to three deities in the Hindu pantheon: A - Brahma, U - Vishna and M - Shiva. AUM is the essence and at the core of every living being.
The shell is used to bring an environment into harmony, to invoke and manifest divine energies and to purify oneself and spaces from negative or harmful entities.

The snake
Personifies wisdom and strength, youth and immortality, as well as endurance in any situation and health. In Hinduism our life force and sexual energy is represented by the snake of Kundalini - which is a manifestation of divine feminine power, Shakti. Awaking and rising from its place of sleep - from the tailbone up the spine, it unites in the crown of the head with Shiva - consciousness - thus forming a secret union and thereby enlightenment occurs.

Two intertwined snakes
A symbol of love between two realized beings, a sacred union.

A trident (trishula)
Is a symbol of victory and power over the three qualities of nature (tamas, rajas and sattva) - a state of being that gives a person complete control over reality. It acts as a weapon that defeats any negativity and frightens demons. The trident is one of the attributes of Shiva - a Hindu God who destroys ignorance.

Moon cycle
The Moon goes through four phases each month, affecting our body and inner energy. The new Moon is the best time for planning and dreaming. The growing Moon is the period for new beginnings, starting projects and building relationships. The full Moon is the time for magic rituals, important meetings and love. In the waning Moon phase you can purify yourself and spaces from negative energy.

The Eye of Horus
The Eye of Horus is a powerful symbol that has represented protection, healing and well-being for thousands of years. The right Eye of Horus symbolises the Sun. It is also interpreted as the God of morning Sun or the God, which safeguards women. The Eye with an eyebrow signifies majesty and power. As for the twirled spiral, it represents an intense flow of energy filled with infinite power.

Bastet is the feline Egyptian goddess, representing the power of feminine intuition with the divine force. The cult was famous for its beauty, youthfulness, grace, unique talents and awareness. Ancient ancestors believed that they were the heirs of an alien civilization that brought sacred knowledge regarding happiness, love and beauty to Earth.

The Scarab
The scarab represents the sun God Ra–the creator of the universe–symbolising renewal and rebirth; the eternal cycle of life. It’s also the divine manifestation of Khepri, the God of the early morning sun. This symbol helps you reach your goals while creating a balance between the natural world and the spiritual realm.

All seeing eye
All seeing eye surrounded by a triangle represents in Christian Art Divine Providence, the All-seeing eye of God watching over humanity, the Trinity. We use this symbol as a reminder that real happiness should be coming from the inside when we open and actualize our talents for the benefi ts of humanity, when we become Co-Creators.

Triquetra is one of the most ancient and mysterious symbols of Europe, adapted from Celtic culture by Christianity where it became the sign of Trinity. In Pagan Celtic culture it was the symbol of Odin, and associated with the phases of the Sun and the Moon.

Nautilus Shell
Nautilus Shell conforms to the golden ratio spiral, known as «sacred geometry». This talisman helps you follow these sacred principles and let it into your soul and life.

The starfish
The starfish represents renewal, regeneration and self-sustainability. The starfish can discard its limbs to distract a predator and then grow them back again. This celestial symbol helps you follow your instincts and intuition to achieve goals and desires. The starfish embodies divine love, strength, patience, inspiration and brilliance.

The fish
The fish is a symbol of the Great Mother Goddess. Resembling the outline of her vulva, it was often drawn by crossing two thin crescents. The fish archetype in the collective unconscious is a goldfish that makes dreams come true. True desires and dreams are the engine for self-realisation to reveal the potential seeded by the Creator.

The seashell
The seashell provides protection and good luck, while fostering femininity. In Greek mythology it’s an attribute of Aphrodite–the goddess of love–who was born from a seashell. It’s also associated with the Roman goddess of fertility and love; Venus. The shell gives birth to the pearl, the organic jewel that connects us to real water elements and the wise Moon.

Magic dagger
Magic dagger neutralises your fears and negative beliefs, accumulated trough generations. It represents unwavering willpower, fortitude and power of the Light.

In ancient times there was a special caste of women - Priestesses. These women have always stood out among the others and enjoyed special privileges. They seemed to shine especially brightly, regardless of age. The Priestess symbol helps to discover and show the most magnificent sides of your feminine beauty.

The Triple Goddess
The Triple Goddess is a great female deity in many Pagan religious and spiritual traditions. She represents three life stages and three Moon phases: a waxing crescent Moon, the full Moon, the waning Moon. The Triple Goddess embodies a woman’s path: birth, youth, maturity, fertility, strength and wisdom.

Isis is the Egyptian Goddess, representing love, motherhood, marriage and fertility. She symbolises femininity and family loyalty, fills your house with happiness and joy. Isis gifts humanity with tenderness and warmth, safeguards and cares for your loved ones. The Goddess fosters harmony, while revealing your feminine and embodying strength.

Fairy bird
Fairy bird is a symbol of the Sun and freedom. This talisman represents domestic bliss and wellbeing. Humanity anciently believed that the bird embodied inspiration, freedom and the Divine.

Pentagram symbolizes the superiority of the spirit over matter. It is a protective symbol. Each corner of the pentagram corresponds to a certain element: spirit, fire, air, water, earth. The spirit is located at the highest point, the rest elements are located below.

Lily is an ancient symbol of purity, beauty and innocence; embodying splendour and perfection. This flower bestows us and our beloved ones love, faith and fidelity. At the same time it is a symbol, known as an emblem of the Virgin Mary; a holy attribute of the Archangel Gabriel; a coat of arms of the French King; a Slavic ornament, used as an amulet in embroidery. A lily in bloom will make the deepest qualities of woman’s nature shine, while fostering morality and dignity.

Goddess Ishtar
Goddess Ishtar is a supreme deity in the Akkadian, Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian culture. The warrior goddess represents passion, sexuality, fertility and progress. She is capable of endowing us with strength and brilliance. Ishtar safeguards women, while supporting their benevolent intentions and defending freedom.

"OM" represents the most sacred sound of the Universe. It is pronounced at the beginning of sacred texts, mantras and meditation. It connects you with the deep essence of human being. The "OM" syllable can be interpreted as a "truly" or "let it be so". The "OM" sign affects stillness and prosperity.

(Red) controls energy, braveness, the will to win, and the ability to turn an idea into actions. This is the planet of passion, sexuality and strength. It symbolizes ambitions and desires, masculinity and strength. Mars increases your energy and fortifies your will.

(Green) is considered a planet of mental activity, innovation, communication, diplomacy, intellectual energy, and adventurism. It controls consciousness, perception and reason, memory, eloquence and literary styles. It affects vision, hearing, our perception and ability to digest information, as well as navigating deals and finding solutions.

(Light blue) is considered the planet of idealism and spirituality. Its sphere of influence includes the subconscious, intuition and clairvoyance. The positive effects of Neptune are manifested in one’s artistic imagination, dreams and insights - in all one’s brilliance and mystery. It helps creative people to get inspiration, and spiritual seekers to immerse themselves in the secrets of existence.

(Grey, black). It is believed that under the influence of Saturn, the character of a person is formed by trials and difficulties. This is a planet of responsibility, symbolizing the value of determined work. They say that Saturn educates us until we learn to do this for ourselves. Self-restraint, asceticism, concentration, discipline, order, will, power, introversion, insight into the essence, wisdom, renunciation of worldly things - these are "gifts" from Saturn.

(Orange, purple) a planet of luck, optimism, success, wealth and generosity. Jupiter brings joy to life. In mythology, Jupiter was considered the ruler of the heavens, the supreme God of all Gods. He was all-powerful and a Patron Saint, symbolizing dignity, honor and wisdom. Astrologers call Jupiter the Big Happiness.

(White, gold) patronizes love, the arts, beauty and harmony, talents, cordiality, friendship, jewelry and wealth. This planet controls the higher emotional realms, and her most precious gift is happiness. It can be said that Venus makes life beautiful.

Pluto is the most mystical planet. It uncovers hidden aspects of the human psyche and reveals our natural potential as we become wiser under its influence. Pluto suppresses vices that hinder self- development, facilitating positive change. It neutralises anger, hate, envy and jealousy. This planet encourages emotional and spiritual balance.

Uranus is the planet of enlightenment. Its energy starts the process of renewal and bestows the ability to foresee the future. It endows us with intuition and wisdom. Uranus helps establish a new order by breaking free from old attitudes and narratives, clearing all prejudices and stereotypes. It also affects rebirth, transformation and independence.